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Batch HTTP Link

Batch multiple operations into a single HTTP request


The BatchHttpLink is a terminating link that batches an array of individual into a single HTTP request that's sent to a single GraphQL endpoint.

import { BatchHttpLink } from "@apollo/client/link/batch-http";
const link = new BatchHttpLink({
uri: "http://localhost:4000/graphql",
batchMax: 5, // No more than 5 operations per batch
batchInterval: 20 // Wait no more than 20ms after first batched operation

If you use BatchHttpLink instead of HttpLink as your terminating link, automatically batches executed GraphQL operations and transmits them to your server according to the batching options you provide.


The BatchHttpLink constructor accepts a configuration object that supports the following options:

Name /

Batching options



The maximum number of operations to include in a single batch.

The default value is 10.



The maximum number of milliseconds to wait before sending each batched request. If batchMax operations are batched before batchInterval is reached, the request is sent immediately.

The default value is 10.



If true, the batchInterval timer is reset whenever an is added to the batch. In other words, the next batched request is not sent until either:

  • No operation is added for batchInterval milliseconds, or
  • batchMax is reached.

The default value is false.



A function that accepts an operation and returns a string key, which uniquely names the batch the operation belongs to.

See the default function

HTTP options


String or Function

The URL of the GraphQL endpoint to send requests to. Can also be a function that accepts an Operation object and returns the string URL to use for that operation.

The default value is /graphql.



If true, includes the extensions in operations sent to your GraphQL endpoint.

The default value is false.



A function to use instead of calling the Fetch API directly when sending HTTP requests to your GraphQL endpoint. The function must conform to the signature of fetch.

By default, the Fetch API is used unless it isn't available in your runtime environment.

See Customizing fetch.



An object representing headers to include in every HTTP request, such as {Authentication: 'Bearer abc123'}.



If set to true, header names won't be automatically normalized to lowercase. This allows for non-http-spec-compliant servers that might expect capitalized header names.

The default value is false.



The credentials policy to use for each fetch call. Can be omit, include, or same-origin.



An object containing options to use for each call to fetch. If a particular option is not included in this object, the default value of that option is used.

Note that if you set fetchOptions.method to GET, BatchHttpLink follows standard GraphQL HTTP GET encoding.

See available options


The batch HTTP link currently uses the context in two different ways, per batch and per . The context below are used per batch and taken from the first operation in the batch.

headersAn object representing values to be sent as headers on the request
credentialsA string representing the credentials policy you want for the fetch call
uriA string of the endpoint you want to fetch from
fetchOptionsAny overrides of the fetch options argument to pass to the fetch call
responseThis is the raw response from the fetch request after it is made

For each query, the http field is used to modify each individual query in the batch, such as (see below).

Persisted queries

The batch HTTP link supports an advanced GraphQL feature called persisted queries. This allows you to not send the stringified query over the wire, but instead send some kind of identifier for the query. To support this you need to attach the id somewhere in the field, and pass the following options to the context:

http: {
includeExtensions: true,
includeQuery: false,

From the context http object:

  • includeExtensions: Send the extensions object for this request.
  • includeQuery: Don't send the query field for this request.

See the http option fields for more information.

One way to use persisted queries is with apollo-link-persisted-queries and Apollo Server.

Custom fetching

See Customizing fetch.

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